Beat the Heat, Workout at Home

I'll admit, making time to work out is not my forte`. I love my Thursday morning yoga class, but other than that I am hit or miss at best.

This summer I decided to change that. I always get up at 6 and do my morning Joy Routine (read scripture, pray, meditate, read for personal growth, journal) until 7. I decided this summer since we don't have to be out the door for school I could upgrade my 5 minutes of push-ups (I still do them off my knees!) and crunches to a 20 minute at home workout.

The company I partnered with, that let's me work from home on my own schedule is so committed to inspiring healthy living they have created a whole slew of 20 minute workouts you can do from the comfort of your air conditioning. Who would have guessed I can do interval training! I may turn into a #crossfitter yet! Okay, probably not!

Contact me if you'd like the link to the whole series!